FAMI-QS is a preeminent global Quality and Feed Safety Management System for the sector of Specialty Feed Ingredients. A Specialty Feed Ingredient is defined as any intentionally added ingredient, not normally consumed as feed by itself, whether or not it has nutritional value, which affects the characteristics of feed or animals/ animal products and animal performance.

In 2004, the FAMI-QS certification system was launched, with the aim to harmonize safety requirements, within the EU’s internal market. Since then, it has grown into a global standard that unifies more than 1000 operators worldwide under FAMI-QS. FAMI QS contributes in to the continues improvement of specialty feed ingredients quality and feed safety aspects for the intended part of the animal feed industry, in order to meet our stakeholders’ expectations.



The Organization shall establish, document, implement and maintain a management system in accordance with the requirements of this Code. The management system shall be continually adapted in line with regulatory developments and customer requirements.

The structure of the management system shall be specific to the organization of the operator and should include policies, requirements and process documents that reflect commitment to feed safety.

The management system shall ensure that all activities carried out by the operator that could impact on the quality and feed safety of the product are consistently defined, implemented and maintained at all levels in the organization.

The management system shall include quality procedures to ensure that the product consistently conforms to the authorization of the feed additive and the specification of the premixtures(s) thereof.


The documentation requirements includes:


Establishing a quality management system.

Identifying legal requirements.

Identifying and documenting the specific feed safety hazards– related to the final food product – and the relevant control measures (HACCP system).

Identifying the applicable Good Manufacturing Practice/ Good Hygiene Practice, including a pest control Programme, equipment and building maintenance Programme, Housekeeping and cleaning programme, and all the specific standard requirements.

Implement any needed structural improvements.